High Theological Education Diploma

With the Diplomas in High Theological Formation an opportunity is offered to deepen the theological formation in one of the specializations: Dogmatic, Moral, Spiritual, Liturgical e Biblical. The diploma can be annual (two semesters) or biannual (four semesters).

The final title released by the faculty – which is not a canonical grade – will carry the diction: Diploma (annual / biannual) in Theological Formation, with the indication of the choice of specialization.

Condition of admission

The candidate must demonstrate the mastery of the Italian language with the qualification of level B1 (according to the common European Framework of reference for the knowledge of the language).

They can be admitted to the program for the Diploma those who have followed the university qualification in humanistic subjects (which require at least three years of study) or a university qualification of any grade in the pontifical university (or of an Institute of Religious Sciences). The available spaces for the students of Diploma are limited to a closed number which varies from one year to another.

Study Plan

Each student will be provided with an individual study plan, agreed with the Directive Committee of the proper institute/Department of specialization. Students who do not have the bachelor in theology will complete the philosophical and theological formation including, if necessary, subjects of the first Circle of Philosophy and Theology. The study plan must be approved by the Directive Committee of the Faculty.

Annual Programme (60 Credits)

Students must follow seminars and courses, passing their exams, for a total of 60 ECTS credits distributed like this:

  • 27 ECTS credits for the courses of one’s specialization, indicated as such by the academic guide.
  • 12 ECTS credits of the bibliographical works of one’s specialization, in agreement with the proper department of that specialization.
  • 15 ECTS credits of free configuration, chosen from the three subjects of one’s specialization, or from the other courses offered by the faculties of Theology and Philosophy.
  • 6 ECTS credits corresponding to two courses of the reading of theological texts organized by the various specializations. 

Bi-Annual Programme (90 Credits)

Students must follow seminars and courses, passing their exams, for a total of 60 ECTS credits distributed like this:

  • 27 ECTS credits for the courses of one’s specialization, indicated as such by the academic guide.
  • 12 ECTS credits of the bibliographical works of one’s specialization, in agreement with the proper department of that specialization.
  • 15 ECTS credits of free configuration, chosen from the three subjects of one’s specialization, or from the other courses offered by the faculties of Theology and Philosophy.
  • 6 ECTS credits corresponding to two courses of the reading of theological texts organized by the various specializations. 

La quota per l’iscrizione è indicata nella tabella Tasse accademiche.


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