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The entire People of God should pray and work tirelessly for priestly vocations. 

St. John Paul II

Consider leaving a lasting mark for future generations by helping to provide the world with more priests.

The Church is in great need of priests who have been well-prepared, who can go out to proclaim the Gospel and bring the Sacraments to everyone. They are very important both on a spiritual and social level. They are able to found schools, hospitals, care for the sick and support families amongst many other things. They can make a big impact and bring about change that can reverberate for another 2000 years.

Every year it costs 18,000 euros just to support one seminarian or priest in their studies. The University`s Promotion and Development works tirelessly to ensure poor dioceses can send their seminarians to Rome. This is to ensure these students receive the best formation possible for their ministry and learn the great importance of their role in the world.

Our objective with this initiative is to establish a sustainable source of support that is ultimately aimed toward serving the present and future Christian communities by ensuring they receive priests who can fulfil the role God has called them to.

By donating you can help a student for a whole year in their costs for accommodation, food, health care and academic fees. It is possible also to support academic projects and centers at this institution, if so please state your intention when sending the donation. After donating you will be included in a special prayer list and Mass reserved for donors at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.



Important notice for credit card and PayPal payments: when selecting the currency option, it is important to know only euros can be accepted for credit card payments. If you want to pay in another currency it can only be done through the PayPal option. 

For Direct Bank Transfers

Pontificia Università della Santa Croce
Piazza S. Apollinare, 49
00186 Roma

IBAN CodeIT69M0569603235000002035X15


  • My experience in Rome, the Eternal city is awesome, as I could experience the richness of the Catholic Church, by learning many new things. The people here are so friendly and loving. The Santa Croce University is giving me much attention by helping me to attain my goals in a realistic way…. Definitely your generosity towards me will be rewarded by God Almighty. I assure you my sincere prayers and you will be always remembered in my everyday Mass and prayers.

    With Love and Prayers

    Fr. Mariaselvam Antonyraj

  • It is a complete formation, so that, if God wills it, we may become holy priests. All this thanks to your generosity and goodness, because otherwise it would not be possible.

    I thank you from my heart.

    A cordial greeting in Christ,

    Pedro Paulo Pereira Funari

  • I would like to take this chance to heartily thank you for your faithful support towards my studies for the last three years. I cannot thank you enough, and I cannot pay you back. I can only admire you for the kind of work you do. The generosity of many Catholics, like you, is the real engine by which the Catholic Church takes giant strides in the mission entrusted to her by our Saviour Jesus Christ. The mission of the Church is collaborative. Lay people help priests to better help them. And in this way we together try to extend the Kingdom of God on this earth. I want to tell you from the heart that people like you do inspire me to give more in my priestly ministry.

    I impart my blessings on you, your intentions and all your near and dear ones…

    I remain

    Fr. Kokto Kurian


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