Extracts from the Regulations for Non-Teaching Personnel

Extract from the Regulations for Non-Teaching Personnel concerning Disciplinary Actions

Art. 37 Disciplinary Actions

  1. An employee’s failure to observe the instructions contained in these regulations could lead, according to the infraction’s seriousness, to the application of the following measures:
    a) verbal warning;
    b) written warning;
    c) a fine, not amounting to more than four hours of minimum wage;
    d) suspension from work without pay for a maximum of 10 days;
    e) dismissal for misconduct according to art. 38 of the regulations.
  2. By way of example, written warnings, fines, or suspensions could befall employees who:
    a) do not arrive for work or abandon their workplace without reasonable cause and do not justify their absence within a day of its occurrence (except in cases with justified impediments) or violate the rules found in art. 20, paragraphs 1 and 2;
    b) delay the start of work without reason or finish before the prescribed hour;
    c) disregard the norms of service;
    d) commit minor acts of insubordination before their superiors;
    e) perform work entrusted to them with negligence or deliberate slowness;
    f) during absences for illness or injury, carry out actions that will delay psycho-physical recovery;
    g) damage work instruments or materials through carelessness or negligence;
    h) leak information bound in Professional Secrecy;
    i) perform personal work while on the premises of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, even without using the Institution’s materials and equipment.
    j) carry out work that is unrelated to official tasks during working hours.
    k) violate in any other way the observance of these regulations, or commit any other offense that has a bearing upon the discipline, morality, health, security or decorum of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.
    l) use, for personal business, repeatedly and outside normal tolerance, the Institution's telephones and computers, regardless of the economic damage that could result.
  3. L’ammonizione verrà applicata per le mancanze di minore rilievo; la multa e la sospensione per quelle di maggiore rilievo.

Art. 38 Dismissal for Offenses

  1. Article 36 of these Regulations governs dismissal for offenses.

A) Dismissal with prior notice

  1. This provision is incurred by employees who commit offenses against discipline or work-related diligence that, although too serious for punishments conserving one's job, are not serious enough to merit dismissal without notice.
  2. By way of example, dismissal with prior notice can befall employees who:

a) show insubordination before their superiors;
b) seriously damage the instruments and/or materials entrusted to them through negligence;
c) perform minor work, either personal or on behalf of third parties, on the premises of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, with materials and/or equipment belonging to the University, without authorization;
d) leave the workplace, when the work specifically involves surveillance, security, or control, outside the cases foreseen by dismissal without notice;
e) are unjustifiably absent for more than four consecutive days, or absent without justification three times in one year on the day following a holiday, Sunday, or vacation time.
f) are sentenced to imprisonment with a judgment passed on actions that are not related to carrying out work, but that impair the employee's moral standing.
g) repeatedly commits, generally and specifically, offenses listed in art. 37 of these Regulations, if these offenses are performed within 2 years of the imposition of two provisions of suspension referred to in the same article of these Regulations.

B) Dismissal without prior notice

  1. This provision can befall employees that provoke serious moral or material damage to the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, or that commit actions that constitute crimes in terms of law, in connection with their work.
  2. By way of example, dismissal without notice can be imposed on employees who:

    a) act and/or behave in violation, and in any case, in a way opposed to the principals and values that found and characterize the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross;
    b) demonstrate insubordination in front of superiors;
    c) show serious negligence in the performance of their own duties;
    d) commit theft from, or in, the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross;
    e) intentionally damage material and/or equipment belonging to the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross;
    f) leave their workplace when it can result in harm to people or compromise the safety of the premises or perform other actions that imply the same harm;
    g) perform non-minor work, either personal or on behalf of third parties, on the premises of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, with materials and/or equipment belonging to the University, without authorization;
    h) are responsible for quarrels or disputes followed by physical fights.

Art. 39 Protective, Non-Disciplinary Suspension

In the event of conduct punishable under the preceding article letter B that cannot permit even the temporary continuation of work, the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross can impose a non-disciplinary, protective suspension of the employee, with immediate effect for a maximum of 10 days, without payment.


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