SISRI School

SISRI – Scuola Internazionale Superiore per la Ricerca Interdisciplinare – is a school that provides interdisciplinary formation, aimed at enhancing the humanistic and philosophical-theological awareness of young graduates.

The school seeks to educate researchers and scholars who want to contextualize their studies or professional career within a broader interdisciplinary framework, keeping in mind the philosophical foundations of the various sciences, as well as the Christian Revelation.

SISRI is a nonprofit school, sponsored by the Centro di Documentazione Interdisciplinare di Scienza e Fede.

Activities of the SISRI

Permanent Seminary

Structured in three-year cycles, it comprises four days of work spread throughout the academic year, being held on Saturdays from 10–4:30. Each day includes a lecture given by an invited speaker, a coffee break followed by group work (problem solving), lunch, and work in the afternoon with a presentation of the results in the classroom.

Annual Residential Workshop

This workshop will take place on a weekend in May at the end of each academic year. The event, which can also include lectures and conferences given by experts, is mainly aimed at the presentation of papers prepared throughout the year by the participants, previously submitted to the Scientific Committee of the Workshop.



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