

Martin Schlag
MCE Director
Luca Mongelli
MCE Scientific Coordinator
Giulia Latella
PhD Candidate
Roberto Dandi
Roberto Dandi
Transparency Workshop
Matilde Daverio
MCE Assistant

La nostra storia


Juan A. Mercado
Full Professor of Applied Ethics.
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
Fr. Robert Gahl
Associate Professor of Ethics.
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
Marta Rocchi
Assistant Professor of 
Corporate Governance and Business Ethics. 
DCU Business School, Dublin
Andrea Roncella
Research Fellow 
University of Siena
Livia Bastos Andrade
Faculty Member Philosophy Department.
UPAEP, Puebla (Mexico)
Elizabeth Mary Reichert
Assistant Professor of Moral Theology.
St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo (California)
Jennifer E. Miller
Professor of Moral Theology.
Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans (Louisiana)
Daniela Ortiz
Senior Researcher
Institute for Business & Sustainable Strategy - FH Wien


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