Areas of Studies

From classical to contemporary metaphysical thought

The research project involves an interdisciplinary study that compares and challenges both a rigorous version of classical metaphysical thought and a similarly rigorous version of modern (and contemporary) anti-metaphysical thought

The goal is to evaluate which approach provides the most consistent answers to the contemporary ethical, technological, and legal questions that arise in various research fields. 


Setting the method, building up a lexicon

The historical method of inquiry is important but does not exempt the scholar from metaphysical commitment; on the contrary, it binds him more so, because it is able to provide a picture of philosophical options that is unprecedented in terms of precision and accuracy and thus provides ideal conditions for the search for truth.

This will be achieved through a combination of historical investigation and metaphysical analysis.The metaphysical analysis: the notion of the individual offers the possibility of a deep metaphysical investigation, grounded on a matching attitude between ancient and medieval traditions and new metaphysical perspectives.

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