The provisory program for the next Expert Meeting of Footprints: "Sociological Research on Youth Religiosity: Methodologies, Challenges, and New Research Perspectives"
These days was launched the provisory program of the next Expert Meeting of the Footprints. Young People: Expectations, Ideals, Beliefs. The Expert Meeting named "Sociological Research on Youth Religiosity: Methodologies, Challenges, and New Research Perspectives" will be held on 25 of July 2025.
Here you can see the provisory program:
Aim of the meeting
Norberto González Gaitano (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce)
Surveys in sociological research on religious issues: advantages and limits
Mark Regnerus, University of Austen, Texas
How to improve big data analysis to be more helpful for religious sociological research?
John Olukuru, Strahmore University (Kennya)
La esperienza della ricerca qualitativa sui giovani in Italia (The experience of Italian qualitative research with young people)
Rita Bichi, Catholic University of Milan (Italy)
From religion to worldview? The study of what and how does what matter?
Daniel Moulin, University of Cambridge
Summary conclusions
D. José María Díaz Dorronsoro (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce)
Closing words
Gema Bellido (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce)