Webinar: Financial Transparency for Dioceses

On February 11, 2021 at 4pm CET (7am PT, 10am ET) we hosted a webinar on Financial Transparency for Dioceses, as part of the series Building a Transparent & Accountable Church.
Throughout the world, Catholic Dioceses face tremendous challenges in achieving financial transparency. A combination of factors, including cultural, legal, and political, directly impact how each diocese is able to practice financial transparency. This webinar looked at some of the main challenges and recommended principles for best practices.
Our guests were:
H.E. Most Rev. Anthony Muheria
Archbishop of Nyeri, Kenya
Rev. Prof. Cristian Mendoza
Faculty, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross & Program of Church Management
James Lundholm-Eades
Consultant, Leadership Roundtable
The moderator of the webinar was:
Pia de Solenni, SThD
President & Executive Director, Global Institute of Church Management
You may watch the video of the webinar here: