Roundtable presentation of Issue 2 (2024), Volume 9 of the journal "Church, Communication and Culture"

On Thursday, December 5, 2024, (at 2:45 PM in the Aula Benedetto XVI), an interdisciplinary roundtable was held to present Issue 2 (2024), Volume 9 of the scientific journal Church, Communication and Culture, published by the School of Communication. This issue is dedicated to the theme "University and Catholic Identity."
Moderated by Professor Jordi Pujol from the School of Communication, the event featured presentations by Professor Elena Colombetti (School of Philosophy), Professor José María La Porte (School of Communication), Professor Stefan Mückl (School of Canon Law), and Professor Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti (School of Theology). This was a valuable opportunity to reflect on the mission of Catholic universities in the contemporary landscape.
Issue 2 of the journal focuses on various aspects of the history and governance of universities, with particular attention to Catholic institutions. It examines how identity, ethical formation, and the dialogue between faith and reason are integrated into their missions and activities.
It analyzes how Catholic universities combine academic tradition, ethics, and social commitment to address modern challenges, aiming to educate not only competent professionals but also conscious and engaged citizens.
The journal presents several case studies that illustrate these themes in practice. The case of the Universidad de La Sabana explores how a Catholic university reconciles its "third mission" (social engagement) with its religious and educational identity.
Additionally, the issue discusses how universities can foster an intellectual community through programs that promote ethical and intellectual formation among students, such as the Great Books program at the University of Navarra, which explores fundamental texts to develop a deep understanding of culture. Another case study examines a university course on Expanded Reason, which promotes dialogue between reason and faith among faculty members.
Church Communication & Culture is the academic journal of the School of Communication at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. It is dedicated to deepening knowledge and understanding of the dialogue between religion, communication, and culture in the public