On February 15, the Permanent Seminar of the International Higher School for Interdisciplinary Research (SISRI) took place, with Professor Giovanni Corazza from the University of Bologna as a guest. The theme of the SISRI Permanent Seminar this academic year is "The Faces of Creativity. Human Specificity in the Scientific Context," linked with the Research Project A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry into Human Creativity.
In line with the objectives of the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan, the Rectorate has established the Research Laboratory Santa Croce .
This new entity will specifically focus on coordinating and providing support to the research groups that have formed as a result of the Call for Projects of the academic years 2022-23 and 2023-24, as emphasized by the Vice-Rector of the University, Rev. Prof. Giovanni Zaccaria, to whom the Laboratory is organically dependent.
In linea con gli obiettivi del Piano strategico 2024-2029 dell'Università, è stata annunciata la creazione, da parte del Rettorato, del nuovo Laboratorio di Ricerca Santa Croce.
A questo proposito, pubblichiamo una breve intervista al Vicerettore, rev. prof. Giovanni Zaccaria, da cui dipende organicamente il Laboratorio.
Come nasce il Laboratorio di Ricerca Santa Croce?
Between 29-31 of January 2025 was held Expert Meeting organised in collaboration with (and co-funded by) the Catholic University of America through a Templeton Religion Trust grant awarded to Brandon Vaidyanathan, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Institutional Flourishing Lab in the Catholic University of America.
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