Comunicazione Istituzionale


The second cycle, which lasts for two years, offers a more deeper understanding of the concepts found in social communications, as well as a concrete formation in institutional communications. Students will learn the skills necessary for presenting the Christian message to today's world, in the "language" that is characteristic of the mass media.

Ciclo institucional

Los cursos del primer ciclo (grado) dura tres años y ofrece las bases para comprender la comunicación institucional de la Iglesia y su relación con los medios de comunicación social. Además de las nociones fundamentales de comunicación social, se estudian los fundamentos teológicos de la identidad Iglesia

Para poder finalizar el ciclo, el estudiante debe realizar un stage en una institución informativa.

Institutional Cycle

The first cycle (Bachelor’s degree) is a three-year program offering a general understanding of communication in and from the Church and its relationship with the various means of communication. Going beyond the fundamentals of communication, courses also explore the Church’s identity and it theological and philosophical roots.

The cycle requires a period of practical work experience at an information-related institution, such as a newsroom, a communication office or a media organization.

Facultad de Comunicación Social Institucional

Comunicazione Istituzionale

La Facultad de Comunicación Social Institucional de la Universidad Pontificia de la Santa Cruz, nacida en 1996, se propone formar profesionales capaces de trabajar en el ámbito de la comunicación en instituciones eclesiales.


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