This past Friday, November 8, 2019, the students of the first cohort of PCM received their diploma. Msgr. Martin Schlag, Director of the MCE Research Centre, flew all the way from Minnesota to hand in the diplomas himself. Msgr. Schlag reminded the students that they are prophets and missionaries, called to give an integral example of holiness in all aspects of their life. This includes the way one deals with the material assets of the Church that have been entrusted to him/her.
Fr. Robert McCulloch also participated to the ceremony, congratulating the “pioneers” of the course. “You are going to be significant agents of change in the dioceses and countries that you come from and religious orders that you belong to.”
Unfortunately, not all of our students were able to attend, as some have already returned to their dioceses, or have been sent elsewhere. Some of them sent us a video of themselves, updating the rest of the class on their whereabouts and activities. Watching the videos of those who left Rome a few months ago was a moment of joy for all, and also of good memories.
Rev. Malusi Ncanana, from the Diocese of Eshowe, also gave a small speech. He thanked the benefactors of the course, the International Business Leaders Advisory Council (IBLAC) and all those who helped in developing the Program.
“We are the first group, we have to be very proud, we are the ones who have started this.” – he said to his former classmates. “It should not be the end, now that we got the diploma. This is the beginning. When one learns to drive a car, you get learning and then you get the driver’s license, so you don’t say: ‘I know how to drive. I can stop driving.’ No, you go on driving. Let this be a start of many things.”