Discussione tesi di Dottorato in Teologia - Specializzazione in Teologia Biblica



Aula Álvaro del Portillo

Weakness in the Ministry of Paul: Literary and Theological Aspects in 1-2 Corinthians
di George Keduolhou Angami
Relatore: Rev. Prof. Giuseppe de Virgilio

Discussione tesi di Dottorato in Teologia - Specializzazione in Teologia Biblica



Aula Benedetto XVI

La primacía de la Iglesia en la interpretación bíblica según los Concilios de Trento, Vaticano I y Vaticano II
di Santiago Callejo Goena
Relatore: Rev. Prof. Juan Carlos Ossandon Widow

Intensive Weeks

Who are the Intensive Weeks for?

For the laity and religious who have already been assigned with roles in administration and governance of the Church, and can only attend classes for short periods, PCM has thought of four week-long sessions (full day classes, approx. 40 hours of instruction per week). It is possible to enroll to one or more Intensive Weeks. 


The Intensive Weeks are structured as follows:

1st Intensive Week – September 20-24, 2021


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