El 5 de febrero de 2018 comienza el Curso de formación "Program of Church Management" para sacerdotes, laicos y miembros de órdenes y congregaciones religiosas que se ocupan de materias económicas y administrativas.
Organizado por el Centro de Investigación Markets, Culture & Ethics, el PCM consta de dos periodos, integrados por cuatro semanas completas y un total de 296 horas de enseñanza teórica y práctica.
La iniciativa se realiza en colaboración con la LUISS Business School (Roma), la Catholic University of America(Washington), la Kellog School of Management (Evanston, USA) y el Center for Catholic Studies de la University of St. Thomas (St. Paul-Minneapolis, USA).
On February 5, 2018, a course of formation "Program of Church Management" for priests, lay persons and members of religious orders who work for the Church in economic and administrative capacities, begins, organized by the Markets, Culture & Ethics Research Center.
The Program of Church Management consists in two terms, with 4 full time weeks and a total of 296 teaching and training hours.
Will be hold in partnership with: the LUISS Business School of Rome, the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, the Kellogg School of Management, the Center for Catholic Studies at the University of St. Thomas St. Paul-Minneapolis